Since issue 15’2009 all articles are also published at:
Based on Clarivate Analytics annual report (2016) EEC Impact Factor (IF) has increased to 0,722.
Since issue 23’2017 the deadine for the authors is 31 October.
Reception and scientific significance of the “Polish method” in sociological studies on the 100th anniversary of the publishing of The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (W.I. Thomas, F. Znaniecki) and the 80th anniversary of the publishing of Młode pokolenie chłopów (The Young Generation of Peasants; J. Chałasiński).
The year 2018 marks two anniversaries significant not only for Polish sociology, i.e. the 100th anniversary of the publishing of The Polish Peasant in Europe and America by William Isaac Thomas and Florian Znaniecki (Boston, 1918), and the 80th anniversary of Młode pokolenie chłopów (The Young Generation of Peasants) by Józef Chałasiński (Warsaw, 1938).
In order to commemorate and first and foremost to recall these two important sociological works and their authors, we would like to partially devote the next issue of our periodical (24’2018) to the reception and scientific significance of their concepts, both from the historical and contemporary point of view.
All those interested, including our authors, readers and contributors, are welcome to submit their scientific articles, studies and other research papers related to the subject matter, methodology and research method proposed and developed in The Polish Peasant in Europe and America and The Young Generation of Peasants, with the deadline until 31 October 2017.
The Editorial Board and Advisory Council of Eastern European Countryside